Why has my wooden furniture developed black spotting?
Mould and mildew is a surface fungi that thrives in moist or damp conditions. The severity of the fungi growth will be dependent on how mild or extreme these environments are. However, please be assured that this will not affect the strength or durability of the furniture and is purely a cosmetic issue. If you wish to allow your furniutre to weather to a silvery grey, you can leave the black spotting and it will eventually disappear and after 4-5 months the overall appearance will all be grey in colour. Should you wish to treat the marked areas, we recommend applying a mould and mildew cleaner such as Dettol, which can be purchased from most supermarkets. When completed, wash the whole bench down with clean water. For better results you can follow up with a light sanding of the furniture, which will renovate the furniture back to its natural colour.